Thursday, February 27, 2014

Life between the "dates"

Since Tuesday of last week when the pain subsided, my life has been filled with building the website for our online store selling quilting patterns & some selected fat quarter bundles. 

I'm so thankful that I've had no other side effects other than the pain, some fatigue, and losing my hair. And as of this writing, I have not lost ALL of my hair. Yeah!!!! I'm so thankful that both my Mom & my sister can sew because they have made me some awesome hats that have kept my head warm during this frigid winter weather we are having in NJ.

My sister & I are also working on centerpieces for our church's Women's Ministry Bible studies. #womenatfac #h2hfac I'm taking a class called "Why Do You Believe That." I'm so looking forward to the teaching and the interaction from the girls at my table. I know this is where God wants me to be!!

Well, here it is less than a week until my next date with Mr. Chemo. This will be the third date on Tuesday, March 4th. I know he thinks this relationship is going somewhere, but I can't wait until it's over!!! I have places to go, people to see, businesses to run, and hair to grow!!!!

I'm calling on my Prayer Warriors for one HUGE request. The forecast for my area is some nasty mix of rain/freezing/rain/sleet/snow for this Sunday until Tuesday. Whether we get significant snow or rain will depend on where a line of warm air sets up. Currently, it looks like I'm on the cold side (snowy) of the line. I'm praying now that God will move the line further north (sorry NY & New England) so it will only be rain here in South Jersey. I have faith that God can do this. I'm not saying he will, but I have faith that He can!!!

Thanks for your continued prayers. Love & hugs to you all!!!!

Only by His Strength,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Under Construction

Why does God allow us to go through adversity or afflictions??? 

What did I do wrong or what should I have done better??? 

When you receive a diagnosis of cancer, you can sometimes feel like God doesn't like you anymore. But I say, "Au contraire!!!!" As I was meditating in my devotions this morning, the verse was Philippians 1:6, "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." The writer of the devotional, Bryant Wright, used Joseph's dream in Genesis 37. Joseph had a dream that he would rule over his brothers. Did that dream come to reality immediately??? No!! Joseph spent the next 13 years in prison and in service to the Pharaoh. Did Joseph's brother's forget him??? They sure did. Did God forget Joseph??? Absolutely not!!! 

Throughout the Bible, we see men & women going through all sorts of adversity and all sorts of afflictions. God doesn't forsake them either. So why do we think God looks the other way when we face problems??? Bryant Wright says it this way, "Sometimes God breaks us and allows us to hit rock bottom so He can shape us into the people He is calling us to be. Maybe the adversity is God's way of strengthening you, teaching you, and preparing you for the great plans He has for you life."

I'm trusting God that this affliction is strengthening, teaching, and preparing me for something down the road. I have no idea what that is, what it will look like, or where it will be. But, as the saying goes ... God's not finished with me yet!!!!!

Only by His Strength,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's Your Attitude???

I posted this to my Facebook page yesterday (Monday, February 17), but I wanted to share it here, too!!!

After a night of little sleep due to continued leg pain, this morning I've been saying Philippians 4:13 over and over every time I feel some pain. Then my devotion this morning was titled, "Attitude - Choose to Be a Victor" by David Zerfoss. The devotion talked about how he received a cancer diagnosis before Christmas of 2001.

This one quote from David really challenged me. "When circumstances, people, or an illness threaten to get you down, remember that you always have a choice in how you react to and deal with the situation. Choose to confront challenges head-on, no matter how serious they are. And choose your friends wisely along the way. They’ll be there for you when you need them, supporting and encouraging you to choose to lead a powerful life — one of a victor!"

I believe that with God's help, I have chosen to fight this diagnosis head on. I also believe that I would not be in the mental state I am today if it wasn't for family and the many friends - near & far - who continually pray for me and encourage me.

So, I in turn, encourage you to face any problem you have with God in the driver's seat and aimed directly at the foe. And take a few good friends along for the ride!!!!! Remember, with God all things are possible!!!!

Only by His Strength,

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm a Mountain Girl

As much as I love a day at the beach, I could spend a week or more in the mountains staring at their beauty and majesty. In my travels over the years, I have seen mountains on almost every continent. Someday, I'd like to go hiking in the mountains and see things you can't see from the road. This picture is one of my favorites from a trip to Yosemite National Park in 2011.

And even though Mr. Chemo kept me home on Saturday night, he would not keep me from singing Sunday morning with my choir family. One of the songs we sang was a beautiful song by Kurt Carr called "For Every Mountain." The lyrics that follow are especially meaningful to me as this journey to healing continues. 

I've got so much to thank God for
So many wonderful blessings
And so many open doors
A brand new mercy

Along with each new day
That's why I praise You
For this I give You praise

For waking me up this morning
That's why I praise You
For starting me on my way
That's why I praise You
For letting me see the sunshine

Of a brand new day
A brand new mercy
Along with each new day
That's why I praise You 

For this I give You praise

You're Jehovah Jireh
That's why I praise You
You've been my Provider
That's why I praise You
So many times You've met my need
So many times You rescued me

That's why I praise You
I want to thank You for the blessing
You give to me each day
That's why I praise You
For this I give You praise

For every mountain You brought me over
For every trial you've seen me through
For every blessing
Hallelujah, for this I give You praise.

I can't say I'm enjoying climbing this mountain and going through this trial, but without the Lord, I could not also see this as a blessing and say, "Hallelujah!"

Only by His Strength,

Friday, February 14, 2014

The New Guy in My Life

Since Mr. Chemo is determined to drive me crazy with pain in my knees and shins about 36 - 48 hours after a date, I decided Ben G. and I must become better acquainted during the days that Mr. Chemo is being nasty. 

Of course it didn't help that it snowed again and I helped to shovel said snow. But, so far, Ben & I are getting along rather well and with the addition of some Advil, life should be hopping along by tomorrow so that I can sing with my choir family over the weekend.

Thanks so much for all the prayers!!!!

Love & hugs to you all!!!!!!!!! 

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!! 

Only by His Strength,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2nd Date Memories and a Reminder from God

After a good check up with my oncologist and all my questions answered, I headed up to meet Mr. Chemo for my second date. I was taken back to meet my matchmakers (nurses) Mary Jane & Jennifer. They were awesome!!!! After getting me started on the pre-chemo meds, I tried to get logged on to the internet, but God had other plans. God knew I need to rest and since Mr. Chemo just stands around and is a real drip, I reclined my chair, put K-LOVE on my ipod, put the chair massage on, and the best part was the wonderful heated blanket!!! Two hours later, I awoke refreshed and hungry. I ate my lunch and thankfully was able to get on the internet. By this point, the first chemo drug was almost done and the second would soon begin and then it would be time to go home. Again, Mr. Chemo asked me for another date on March 4th and I said yes. Here are a few pictures from yesterday. 

Me and Mr. Chemo
View from my window
Another view from my window

And doesn't God always remind you of things when you need to be reminded??? Yesterday morning before leaving for my date, in my devotions, everything was pointing to the word -- THRIVE. What struck me was that "thrive" was my one word for 2013. By the end of last year, I really didn't feel like I was thriving in my life. I felt like I was just surviving. 

But part of the devotional I read was by the lead singer of Casting Crowns, Mark Hall. The following are his thoughts, but they reflect my thoughts, too!! He just wrote them first and probably better!!!

You were meant to do more than just survive. You were meant to thrive.

You were not meant to struggle to make it through the week, the day, the next hour. You were not meant for your world to feel like a weight, for the break of dawn to be the starter pistol for another meaningless rat race. You were not meant to be shackled by anxiety, worry, and fear. No, you were meant for so much more.

You were meant to have life and to have it more abundantly. That is the promise of the eternal God.

You were meant to dig deep and to reach out.

You were meant to know God and to make him known.

You were meant to point to the one hope, the one anchor, the one true source of joy, peace, and contentment for the entire human race. His name is Jesus.

I’m not saying you won’t have trouble in this life. Only the false teachers of the prosperity gospel claim otherwise. They promise prosperity while using Scriptures written from prison or during some of the lowest moments in the lives of godly men. Out of Jesus’ twelve disciples, only one escaped martyrdom, and he was exiled to a desolate island. I still can’t figure how that entitles us to buy a Benz. Without exception, all of us will have some bad days. But Jesus tells us to take heart. He has overcome the world, which means we can thrive amid it all (John 16:33).

In fact, a lot of us are in survival mode right now:

If I can just get to this weekend…

If I can just make it to the first of the month…

If I can just get to summer vacation…

If I can just finish this project…

If I can just beat this sickness…

If I can just make this payment…

If I can just get the kids through college…

You were not made to survive life. Or to survive work. Or school. Or your family. You were not made to exist until you can get over the next hump or get to the next break.

You were created for one purpose: to know God and to make Him known.

Below is the Casting Crowns video of their song "Thrive." Enjoy & may you do more in your own life than just survive, I pray you will THRIVE!!!!!

Only by His strength,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's Hard-working Calculator

"Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

"Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4

Sorry I haven't rambled in a while. Mr. Chemo was letting me live my life. I felt great and I was busy and continue to be busy starting our businesses. So, I didn't feel the need to ramble aimlessly. However .........

Last week, Mr. Chemo decided he didn't like my hair anymore. I guess he doesn't prefer blondes with shoulder length hair. Fine Mr. Chemo!! You may take my hair, but you won't take my spirit!! I know you just want me to look different for our next date on Tuesday. Well, you got your wish. 

It's true!!! About a week ago, I realized that I was starting to lose my hair. At first, there were just a few more strands than normal in my comb. By Sunday morning in the shower, it was much, much more. Ewww!!! God's hair numbering calculator was certainly working overtime!!! Minus 10, minus 5, minus 25, etc.

So, with much internal deliberation, I decided to get it cut real short so that it would be easier to manage. So, here are my two selfies - before & after.

I know that many of my prayer warriors diligently prayed for God to keep my hair and I thank you for those prayers. But God doesn't always answer prayers with a YES. In this case, God said, "NO!" Am I disappointed?? Absolutely. Will God still receive all the glory??? Absolutely!!!!

I saw this quote by Elisabeth Elliot several weeks ago and it pretty much summed up my thoughts and feelings. If you don't know who Elisabeth Elliot is look her up. She has quite an amazing story!!

He has changed my life. I'm trusting that this "bump in the road" will give me opportunities to share what He has done and is doing for me. 

Prayer Warriors - My next doctor appointment & date with Mr. Chemo is on Tuesday, February 11. 

Please pray that the weather here in New Jersey won't be an issue - Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday.

Please pray that I won't need to be a human pincushion on Monday, February 10 as they draw blood in preparation for my doctor appointment on Tuesday.

Please pray that I will have a good conversation with my doctor/oncologist and I will get answers to several questions.

Please pray that I would again tolerate the drugs that will be pumped into my body.

Please pray for the days after my "date" with Mr. Chemo. 

Well, that's all for now. 

Only by His Strength,