Monday, June 8, 2015

Yes, It's Been a Loooooong Time

Yes, I’m still alive. A bit frazzled around the edges, but I’m still alive and running like a hamster in a habitrail.

You see, I started this blog post on approximately February 6 after my doctor’s visit on February 3. I had such good intentions and plans and well … work & life just got a bit hectic.

I was so excited that I had “found” my one word for 2015. Looking back, I think God was teaching me several things about my chosen word. And following is what I had written way back in February.

Gymnasts have it.
Ice skaters have it.
Dancers have it.

Any guesses???

Checkbooks should have it and so should the government.

If you're still stumped, then let me tell you about my one word. My friend Gail asked me early in January if I had chosen my word for 2015. I said I really hadn't felt led to a word yet. She encouraged me to pray about it and God would surely reveal it to me. I prayed and thought and prayed and thought, but still nothing seemed to "fit." Then suddenly, when I wasn't really thinking about it... WHAM ... God showed me my word for 2015. It is ... drum roll ........BALANCE!!!!

So, as I begin February, I am trying for that elusive thing that we all desire in our lives and that is balance. My job is very busy most of the time & usually fairly stressful. Our businesses are slow, but we keep learning new things & trying new ideas to generate sales. I'm trying to eat better & get to the gym a couple times a week. Our new semester of Bible study starts soon. And I can't forget my choir family. Plus all the normal, everyday stuff like paying bills, housekeeping, devotions, and trying to enjoy my hobbies. Oh, and don't forget a good night's sleep!!! All that in 7 days makes me tired just reading it!!!!

As I started embracing my word, I wanted to have a Bible verse that would also be my verse for 2015. When I typed in the word balance into, most of the verses spoke of weights and balance. They really weren't what I was looking for. I wanted something more substantial. I wanted something to challenge me & my way of thinking. Then I looked up the definition of balance. One definition just jumped out at me. It was the third one, "mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc." Did you see that word ... stability??? That was it!!!

Now I needed to find a verse on stability. So I did what anyone would do. I Googled it!!!

(written June 7) Of course now that I had found my word, my job became insanely busy. If you’ll remember, I started last June with a travel management company based in Alabama. They are contracted to do several departments of the US government. I am on one of those teams. I do business/government travel for the Department of Commerce. Seemingly overnight, the team went from steady to crazy. We were short a couple of people and the calls just kept on coming. After talking travel all day, there were nights I could barely put 2 sentences together. Yikes!!!

Plus, I was doing a Bible study at church based on Jennie Allen’s book “Restless.” I also had choir rehearsals, teaching Sunday School, and our quilt guild meetings. And the weather was miserable on top of all that.

But somehow I found a few minutes to type a few more thoughts on March 15. And they follow:

From Google all the verses were good, but just didn't have the right "feel." Then last night I was flipping through some of my favorite Christian authors/speakers on Facebook. Many of them post verses as "photos" on a daily/weekly basis. I was going through Jennifer Rothschild’s and one verse just popped out -- Psalm 55:22. David writes, "Cast your burden on the Lordand he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." I thought that's it!!! Matthew Henry's Commentary explains it like this, "Care is a burden; it makes the heart stoop (Prov. 12:25); we must cast it upon God by faith and prayer, commit our way and works to him; let him do as seemeth him good, and we will be satisfied. To cast our burden upon God is to stay ourselves on his providence and promise, and to be very easy in the assurance that all shall work for good. If we do so, it is promised, 1. That he will sustain us, support and supply us, will himself carry us in the arms of his power, as the nurse carries the sucking-child, will strengthen our spirits so by his Spirit as that they shall sustain the infirmity. He has not promised to free us immediately from that trouble which gives rise to our cares and fears; but he will provide that we be not tempted above what we are able, and that we shall be able according as we are tempted. 2. That he will never suffer the righteous to be moved, to be so shaken by any troubles as to quit either their duty to God or their comfort in him. However, he will not suffer them to be moved for ever (as some read it); though they fall, they shall not be utterly cast down.

So, as I go through my busy days, I know God is the only one who can truly sustain me. I cannot do it on my own. I must rely on Him every hour of every day. It reminds me of the old hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour." The chorus is:

I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

So, my one word for 2015 ... BALANCE. I need it. I need Him!!!

Update from February 3rd doctor's appointment -- ALL GOOD!!! 

Next appointment, May 12.

Now, fast forward to today (June 8). Yesterday was National Cancer Survivor’s Day. That’s me. Not just a cancer survivor, but an overcomer. I know not everyone beats this nasty disease. I pray that someday there will be a cure. But I know beyond a shadow of doubt, that I AM BLESSED!!!!!!!!

That’s why I feel led to begin some sort of ministry to women who have or had cancer. I’m not sure what God wants me to do or what that ministry will look like, but I know he wants me to do something!!!

As always, your support & prayers mean so much to me.

Prayer requests & praises:

Pray that God will give me clear direction regarding this new ministry.

Pray that balance will come if He is in the center of all that I do.

Pray for my friend, Bob A., who is in rehab in TX with a very serious leg wound. He is in a lot of pain. I've known Bob since 4th grade. He is a Youth Pastor.

Praise – My hours were changed again. I’m now working 8:30am–5:30pm.

Praise – News from my May 12 appointment --- ALL GOOD!!!

Only by His Strength,