September was a busy month, but more importantly, September is always Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The ribbon color for Ovarian Cancer is teal. Before I tell you about my crazy month, I want to make sure you know the symptoms of this silent killer. Please make sure all the women in your life know these symptoms and go to their ob/gyn if these symptoms persist. Unlike some other cancers, OVCA does not have a fail-proof test for early detection. Most women diagnosed are already Stage 3 or 4!!! I've even heard of girls as young as 7 years old being diagnosed with OVCA!!!
Work was crazy busy due to the end of the fiscal year for the US government. Government employees want to use up all the money they can so that the next year they will get the same amount. In addition to work being extremely busy, all of a sudden, my personal life became extremely busy, too. Between a BBQ, teaching KidBlast, going to the PA National Quilt Extravaganza, choir rehearsals, ALPHA, Philly Modern Quilt Guild meeting, plus the normal grocery shopping, watching Eagles football and Phillies baseball, Bible study and vending at Artisan Bazaar in Lancaster, PA. I'm tired just typing everything. But the best part of the month was participating in the "Together in Teal - Ending Ovarian Cancer" 5K Run/Walk in Philadelphia for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC). I did not run, but walked 1.5 miles as a proud member of the MD Anderson team and I was their top fundraiser. Thank you to all who contributed to my goal. Next year, I'm thinking of being the captain of my own team. If you're interested in participating, let me know!!! Here are some pictures from the day:
Unfortunately, the end of the month did not end well. In preparation for my doctor appointment on October 1, I had to get my normal blood work. Again, it took 2 people to get 1 vial of blood. As usual, I get the results one day before my appointment and to my shock and dismay, my CA-125 took a GIANT leap from 47 to 102!!! After shedding a few tears during work, I just gave it over to the Lord and got on with my busy day. At my appointment, my doctor wants me to get another CT scan, more blood work and come back in 3 weeks.
So.... Although it's not the best news, I know that God's got this and whatever is going on He is in complete control. This song from Vertical Worship has been running through my mind over the past few days.
Prayer Requests:
- October 10 -- CT scan - approximately 9am ET
- October 17 -- Blood work - approximately 8am ET
- October 22 -- Doctor appointment - approximately 2pm ET
As always, your prayers, good thoughts and encouragement mean the world to me and I really appreciate each and every one of you.
Only by His Strength,