Before I begin, I just need to thank the many of you who prayed for me through this toxic relationship with Mr. Chemo. I could not have done it without you!!! Consider yourself loved and hugged!!!
The week of July 12, like this year, seemed to go on and on and on. My first task of that week was to get a COVID-19 test on Sunday after church. Of course, because nothing is ever easy, when starting my car at church, my key fob cracked open leaving the plastic part with the buttons in my hand and the metal key in the ignition. At least the car started and I could drive it to the testing site and home!!!
Once at the testing site, all I needed to do was roll down my window and stick out my tongue. The person just swabbed my tongue and I was on my way. I was so thankful that they didn't do the pipe cleaner up your nose one. I was really dreading that. By Monday afternoon, I had an email stating that my results were negative. Hallelujah!!! I still walked around the house stating, "I'm such a negative person!!!" LOL!!!! Monday was spent doing all the things around the house that I wouldn't be able to do until the following week.
Tuesday morning was my follow-up appointment with my oncologist's Advance Practice Nurse. The visit went well even though my CA-125 number went up 1 point to 31. However, my platelets went crazy and were over 200!!! WOW!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! The only order of business that was discussed was that I need to have another CT scan before my next appointment. Scheduling my next appointment for 3-4 weeks was a little complicated, but by the end of the week my next appointment was scheduled for August 11.
Bright and early Wednesday morning, my sister dropped me at the entrance to Cooper University Hospital on her way to work. After waiting in the admissions office for what seemed like hours, I was given my hospital bracelet and my elevator pass to get me to the 5th floor for my Carboplatin desensitization procedure. Once I found my room, I settled in and waited for my nurse. Before the nurse arrived, one of my oncologist's interns stopped by to see how I was doing. Nora soon introduced herself and she began prepping all the stuff to access my port, etc. Of course, I had to move the furniture around so I could plug in my laptop. Nora had to be re-certified to access a port, so she called the Nurse Educator in and to my surprise and delight it was Mary Jane!!! Mary Jane was one of my nurses the first time I went through chemo in 2014 and she remembered me. Nora passed accessing my port and began the pre-chemo drugs dripping through my body. The desensitization is a series of 4 bags with an increasing Carboplatin concentration as you go. Nora hung the first bag and because of all the Benadryl and steroids and fluids and the fact that I hadn't slept well the night before, I decided a nap was in order. But first, I ordered my lunch (very important)!!!
My lunch came. I ate it and then got my laptop out to work on some business stuff. Nora switched to the second bag. I was working away when I glanced at my hands and my arms. "NORA!!!!!" I cried out. She came running. Sure enough... I was having another allergic reaction to the Carbo. She stopped the stuff from dripping into me. My arms and legs were breaking out into hives and red splotches and my palms were all dry and ready to start itching. After consulting with the on-call doctor, it was decided that they would give me more Benadryl and more steroids and then start the drip again, but this time really, really slow. I thought ... great .... I'll be here until midnight!!!! After about 45 minutes or so, the hives and red splotches disappeared and the dry palms were cured with some hand lotion. Nora finally started the Carbo again and over the next couple of hours slowly increased the drip. Of course, with more Benadryl and steroids racing through my body ... I took another nap!!!
When I woke up, it was time to order dinner and watch the 6 o'clock news. By this time, I was halfway through bag #4!!! Yeah!!! It wouldn't be a midnight release!!! After a pizza dinner, I finished working on some of my computer stuff, called my sister to come and get me, and waited for the last bag to finish. Nora came and unhooked me and gave me my release papers. I thanked her for all her hard work, walked to the elevator, and waited outside for my sister to arrive.
On Thursday, I was to report to the MD Anderson building to finish my round of chemo. I drove myself since it's only about 2 1/2 miles. I checked in and waited to be called back for my final treatment!!! After only a few minutes, I was called back and after checking my blood pressure, etc., my nurse for the day came and introduced herself. She got me hooked up and gave me more Benadryl and steroids. Here we go again!!! Nap time!!!!!!! The drip for the Taxol took about 3-4 hours. It was a pretty boring day and the view (below) was not great. Once I was done, I drove myself home and guess what ... I took another nap. Do you notice a theme???
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My fabulous view from my chair - July 16, 2020 |
When thinking about writing this blog post, other than telling you about my long good-bye to Mr. Chemo, I hit a brick wall. I prayed and I prayed. I read Scripture and prayed some more. Part of the difficulty may have been the fact that I was writing a Bible study/devotional to enter in a challenge by Proverbs 31 Ministries. My mind was totally absorbed in study and writing and entering by July 24. I won't know if my writing was selected until sometime in October. Then one morning as I was waking up, I definitely "heard" the word waterfall in my mind. What Lord???
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all photos were taken by me - August 2011 |
I started looking for waterfalls in the Bible. The only reference I could find is Psalm 42:7. I did some study on that verse, prayed, and nothing really clicked. I then looked up Christian songs with waterfalls. I only found two with waterfall in the title. Why was God making this post so hard to write??? Then I realized that throughout the Bible, God uses water to symbolize life and new life in Him, as in baptism. Water is the first element mentioned in Genesis. Noah had to deal with the flood waters. The only way to get water in Bible times was from a well. Water was and continues to be used for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Jesus walked on water, washed the disciples feet, was baptized in the Jordan River, and turned the water into wine.
As I stood at the top of my personal waterfall on March 31, the bottom looked far away and uncertain. But with God by my side, I took that leap of faith and headed towards the pool at the bottom. Yes, there were some rocks along the way, but God never said this life would be easy. He just said, "Follow me." So, I have reached the wonderful and refreshing pool at the bottom. I want to stay and just float on my back and soak in the cool water and never leave. But God is reminding me that He has other tasks for me to do. He reminds me not to be complacent.
Keep striving.
Keep running the race that He has set before me.
Keep learning His ways.
Keep leaning on Him!!!
Here is one of the songs. "Waterfall" featuring Maranda Curtis by David & Nicole Binion.
Prayer Requests:
- August 6 - Bloodwork 7am ET - pray for lower CA125
- August 6 - CT scan 9:30am ET - pray for nothing new and previous issues to be gone.
- August 11 - Follow-up visit with oncologist 8:45am ET - pray for wisdom as maintenance drugs will be discussed (it's also my birthday!!!)
- Pray for the neuropathy from chemo in the tips of my thumbs & pointer fingers and bottom of both feet to lessen. It just feels really weird. I'm also having some pain in my right thumb joint.
- Pray for my strength and stamina to return.
- Pray for the government to start traveling so I can return to work.
Only by His Strength,