In my last post, if you'll remember, I had been to see a Genetic Counselor (GC) and they took a vial of blood to send to a lab for genetic testing. Well, last Friday (November 13), I received a call from the GC and she advised that my results had come back and I had no mutations on any of the 47 genes they tested.
I'm not a mutant.
I'm normal.
So, where did the cancer come from??? Why me??? I don't know where the cancer came from. I don't know why I got cancer. But I do know that I thank God for cancer and that He will get all the glory and honor and praise through it all.
This song from Jonathan Traylor "You Get The Glory" says it all:
One of my sayings when something "bad" happens in my life is "for my good & His glory." Can you say that with all that's swirling around us each day? My prayer is that I will always have that attitude. - "For my good & His glory."
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! May your blessings be many even though fewer people may be at your table!!!
Prayer Requests:
December 22, 7am - Blood draw. Please pray that my CA-125 number has remained where it was at the end of October (or lower) and that my other numbers have improved to where they should be.
December 29, 9am - Doctor appointment. Please pray for wisdom as post-chemo maintenance treatments are discussed.
During the week of October 19, I had a flu shot, a pneumonia shot, a CT scan and a mammogram and my blood drawn. The two tests I was most concerned about were the CT scan and the lab results. I needed the answers so I would know if I would be have another round of chemo. After many, many prayers by many of you reading this blog, I received the results of the CT scan on Wednesday afternoon. Praise the Lord!!! ... It was clear and looked good!!!! Now I had to wait until Friday to get the results from Thursday's blood draw. On Friday afternoon, I received the call ..... my CA125 went back down to 27.7!!! Praise the Lord!!! Then to complete the cycle, my oncologist's nurse called on Monday to confirm ..... no more chemo!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!
On Tuesday, October 27, I had my follow-up appointment. After the physical exam, my doctor sat down and talked about genetic testing. He wants me to do genetic testing to see if I have certain markers/mutations related to cancer. Once he gets the results, that will guide him with my post-chemo treatment options. But the best news at my visit was when he said .... "See you in 2 months!!!" WooHoo!!!! 2 months!!!! I was expecting 6 weeks, but 2 months is AWESOME!!!!!! The only downer of the day was that because my magnesium count was so low, I had to go up to the infusion floor and sit for 2 hours while they hooked me up and had a magnesium drip.
So... yesterday (November 3) I had my initial visit with a genetic counselor (GC). After asking many questions about my personal health history, she then asked about my family's medical history - back as far as my grandparents. She was especially looking for cancer trends. I have a very small family. The only person in my family that passed from cancer was my aunt. After explaining testing and gene panels, etc., I decided to have the full testing. I kept thinking, knowledge is power and I want to know if there is something in my body's make-up that make me more susceptible to other cancers or diseases. Once I finished talking to the GC, they came and took about 1/2 a vial of blood to send to the lab that does the genetic testing. I should hear back from the GC in about 3-4 weeks to discuss the results.
With all this talk of family, I got to thinking, I'm part of a much bigger family .... the family of God. I became a part of this family when I asked Jesus to be my Savior and Lord when I was 9 years old. That makes me one of God's kids and if you're a believer, than you're my sister or brother!!! And just like in any family, there are some disagreements and misunderstandings. However, in the end, we should all agree that Jesus is Sovereign and His love never ends. The world should see our family as one who lives and shows the "fruit of the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-23 defines them as, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Are you showing your "fruit" to the world??? And I heard once that you can't show any fruit at all unless you have the first one and that is LOVE!!! Do you truly show love? To your earthly family? To God's family? Even if they have a different color skin? Didn't vote the way you did? The only way the world will notice a difference is in how we LOVE!!! Remember the old campfire song, "They'll Know We are Christians" it's a simple truth .... it's by our LOVE!!! So go out and show some love today, tomorrow, and every day!!!
I found this recording of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing "They'll know we are Christians by our Love." It's a different tune than you may be used to, but it's a powerful message to everyone. Sit back, close your eyes, and listen to the words, then go show some LOVE!!!
Prayer requests:
- Pray that whatever the results of the genetic testing, I will have wisdom to make good decisions regarding my health.
- Pray that my energy will return soon!!!
- Pray that my unemployment issues will be resolved quickly.
- Blood draw on Tuesday, December 22 - pray that my CA125 is still low and my platelets and magnesium numbers are up.
- Doctor follow-up on Tuesday, December 29 - pray for wisdom as post-chemo treatment options are discussed.
And November 20 is my 7 year surgery anniversary when they found the cancer. What a journey it has been!!! I thank God for his love and leading every day!!! And I thank you for your many, many prayers and good thoughts on my behalf over the years. Love & hugs to you!!!
By His Strength,
PS - Remember I entered a writing challenge at the end of July? Well, it was for Proverbs 31 Ministries and their First 5 app. I heard a few weeks ago that my entry was not chosen. I was a bit bummed at first, but I realized that I learned so much from doing the research on the passage that I would never have done had I not entered. I will continue to learn, continue to write, and continue to enter writing challenges. I will post what my entry was on the first Friday of January. That's when it would have been on the app if my entry had been chosen. If you haven't downloaded the app already, please look for First 5 where you find apps. It's a great way to start your day!!! And a new study begins on November 9.