Friday, January 8, 2021

How's Your Hope?

Ephesians 1:15-23

Key Verse:  Ephesians 1:18 “…having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,…”


I asked my Facebook friends this question – In 5 words or less, what do you HOPE for? I received many answers ranging from salvation for family and friends, spiritual revival, that their children would be happy, spiritual and world peace, be kind, good health, financial stability, and that Christians would be anti-racist, start speaking like Christ and stop promoting division in the church. As a cancer survivor, I hope for a cure.

In the Old Testament, one of the words for hope is “yakhal”. It means “to wait.” After 40 days and nights of rain, Noah and his family had to “yakhal” while the waters receded. (Gen 8:12) Job, after Satan had taken away his family, his possessions, and his health states, “Though he slay me, I will “yakhal” in him; yet I will argue my ways to his face…” (Job 13:15) In the book of Psalms, David and the other writers expound on “yakhal.” (Psalm 31, 33, 38, 42, 43, 69, 71, 119, 130, 131, 147) They wait for the Lord.

The prophet Micah, inspired by God, foretells the people of Israel of the coming of the great Shepherd. (Micah 5:1-5) In the final chapter of Micah, the prophet is complaining that there is no comfort to be found in family or friends. This need for comfort sends Micah to the only One who can provide that comfort. In Micah 7:7, he looks to the Lord and “yakhal” for the “God of my salvation.” Micah truly found his hope in the Lord.

As the New Testament begins, we find the Israelites still longing for deliverance; only this time from the Roman government. They remember that God saved them in the past, like their ancestors who were delivered through the Red Sea from the hands of the Egyptians. Biblical hope is about looking forward by first looking back. (Psalm 39:7)

As Paul is writing to the Christians in Ephesus, he is under house arrest in Rome and chained to a member of the Praetorian Guard. (Acts 28:30) At the time, this would seem like a hopeless situation. But Paul’s hope is not based on his situation.  He knows the Christians at Ephesus. He spent 3 years with them. (Acts 19-21) He is writing to encourage them in their walk -- just like he is encouraging us.

The Greek word for hope in verse 18 is “elpis.” It means a future hope, as in the return of Christ. Paul has already written about their faith and love (v. 15). Interesting that Paul wrote one of the most memorable verses about faith, hope, and love (1 Corinthians 13:13) while in Ephesus. Paul had also written to the Christians in Rome while in Ephesus and points out (Romans 8:24) that our “elpis” is Jesus Christ alone and to wait patiently for His return. (Romans 8:25) That is the “elpis” that he reminds the faithful at Ephesus of in v.18.

Paul also mentions in verse 18 that only the Holy Spirit can “open and enlighten” our hearts so we can understand the full blessings of God and that it is only by His grace that one can partake in the eternal riches of “his glorious inheritance” both here on earth and in heaven.

If Paul wrote hymns, he could have written this timeless one, “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less/Solid Rock.” Here is the first verse: “My hope (elpis) is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”

My Moment: With all that is going on in the world, what are you putting your hope (elpis) in today?

Comment: I must admit, some days my hope fails. As a cancer survivor, it is often hard to look towards the future. You daily live with so much uncertainty. However, I look forward to seeing my Savior and walking the streets of gold with a cancer-free body. But for now, it is my responsibility to share that future hope (elpis) with my family, friends, and neighbors. Every day.

More Moments About Ephesians 1:15-23:

Throughout the New Testament, Paul conveys through his letters that he is always giving thanks for his readers and he is remembering them in his prayers. (v. 16) He is giving us a model to use today. First, he gives thanks to God and it probably wasn’t a quick three word prayer. He was thankful:

·         for their faith

·         for their love for the saints.

·         for their spiritual gifts

·         for their partnership in the gospel

·         for their mutual affection.

We, too, when heads are bowed should be thanking God for our church leaders and those who are in ministry locally, regionally, and globally.

The second part of verse 16 admonishes us to “remember” to pray for others. And how does Paul suggest that we pray?

·         with joy (Philippians 1:3-6)

·         not to be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7)

And what does Paul suggest that we pray for?

·         for full understanding (Philemon 5-7)

·         to abound in grace (Philippians 4:23)

·         that love would increase and overflow (1 Thess 3:13)

·         to be watchful (Colossians 4:24)

·         to fearlessly make know the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:19-20)

These are just a few of the ways Paul teaches us what to pray for and how to pray because in verse 17, he wants the Spirit to reveal the deeper things of God.

Major Moment: Ephesians 1:15-23 – Paul prays and gives thanks

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Perfect 20/20 Vision - My reflection of the past year

When 2020 started, everyone looked at the year and thought ... perfect vision. Even the annual meeting for the company I work for was titled, "Perfect Vision." At the end of January, my sister and I made settlement on our home and moved back with our father. Which was ...  Perfect!!!

Then March came and the world became very familiar with the words novel coronavirus or COVID-19. As the months dragged on, we realized that our January 1st vision filled with hopes, dreams and infinite possibilities, was now that of the walls of our homes, the faces of our family, and the computer or the television screen. Mask making, mask wearing, and mask etiquette were now commonplace. Zoom meetings became the only way to safely see your relatives and friends or meet with business associates. Toilet paper became a hot commodity along with Clorox wipes and baking supplies. Not that we didn't know, but nurses, doctors, and first responders were/are considered essential workers along with grocery store workers, truck drivers, waste management workers, and a whole host of others. 

What we should have seen coming but didn't was the intense reactions to the racial inequalities due to the horrific deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd -- just to name a few. 

We should have seen the political battle that was brewing and continues to divide many friends, families, neighborhoods, and churches, but we chose to see only what we want to see and hear what we want to hear! 

For me, 2020 was a year that I would not like to see again ... EVER!!! Through the 9 nights in the hospital, the 9 rounds of chemo, 2 intense allergic reactions, several CT scans, the endless blood work, and the numerous doctor appointments, the Lord was with me always and somehow, I was able to find joy through it all. It wasn't easy, especially during the days following chemo treatments, when I felt like a slug, but I tried and usually succeeded. 

At my last doctor visit on December 29, I received good news that my CA-125 had even gone down a little bit more. PTL!!! My doctor also gave me a choice ... do nothing and come back in 3 months or start on a maintenance drug called Zejula which has many, many side effects. I would also need to have blood work and a doctor visit once a month. After much prayer, research, and discussion with my family, I have decided not to take the drug. It was also a sad day. My oncologist's last day at MDA would be December 31. He has taken a new position that was closer to his home & family. I will miss him dearly, but wish him many blessings in his new position. I was truly blessed to have him as my oncologist for 7 years!!!

On top of all my medical issues, I saw my employment disappear at the beginning of April. And although I was able to collect short-term disability until mid-June, it has been a 6 month battle to fight for my unemployment benefits and I am still waiting to see my money. However, things are starting to look up!!! In fact, I have been in contact with a representative of the state who is assisting with my unemployment claim. I was also contacted by the HR department at my job to see if I was interested coming back, but to a different position. Again, after prayer and discussion with my family, I emailed back that I was indeed interested. Now, I'm just waiting for all the details.

In Matthew 6:33, it states, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." What things??? The verses prior explain "what things." Verses 31-32 tell us, "Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all." Although unemployed and doing chemo, God took such good care of me. I didn't worry about food or drink or clothing or roof over my head or finances or my hair growing back or anything!!!

This song by Josh Baldwin has been playing on Christian radio over the past several months. When I listen to the words, I think, this could be my 2020 theme song. This line in the chorus gets me every time, "I see the evidence of Your goodness, All over my life." 

Goodness you say??? I know what you're thinking ... 2020 was a dumpster fire at best!!! The lock downs, the fear, the anxiety, working from home, students learning from home, protests, death of loved ones, hospitalizations, and the list could go on and on and on. BUT, I urge you to SEE the goodness of God all around you. Did you witness a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a blooming flower, a butterfly flitting by, a drive-by for a birthday, a wedding on Facebook live, a smile from a friend or neighbor??? Did you enjoy a cool breeze after a hot day, laughter, a hug or a chat with a loved one??? Those things plus many, many others are the goodness of God. I urge you dear readers, don't focus on the bad things of this world. Focus on the the kingdom of God!!! That's where you find true joy!!!

Prayer requests:

  • Next blood work - March 25 - 7:30am ET
  • Next Doctor appointment - March 30 - 1:00pm ET
  • That my unemployment issue would be resolved quickly!!!

Only by His Strength,


PS - I'll also be posting the Bible study I entered in the Proverbs 31/First 5 app on Friday, January 8. This would have been the day it would have been on the app if my entry had been chosen. ☺