Thursday, March 20, 2014

All Things

The following is selected parts from my devotions this morning. It was written by Mary Southerland, one of the Girlfriends in God, but she so eloquently said what's on been on my heart throughout this adventure. It was a great reminder!!!

A daughter was telling her mother how everything was going wrong. "I am failing Algebra. My boyfriend just broke up with me, and my best friend is moving away," she wailed. Her mom listened patiently, and then asked, "I made a cake for dinner. Would you like a snack?" The girl grinned and said, "Sure, Mom. I love your cake." The mom smiled and asked, "How about some cooking oil?" The daughter looked surprised at the offer and responded with a loud "Yuk!" The mom tried again, "How about a couple of raw eggs?" With a look of confusion, the daughter said, "Gross, Mom!" With a smile, the mother offered, "Would you like some flour or maybe a cup of baking soda?" The daughter responded, "Mom, all of those things are gross!" The mother cut a piece of cake and placed it on a plate with a fork. As she handed the delicious snack to her daughter, she explained, "Honey, all of those things seem bad when you think about eating them alone, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a delicious cake."

God often works the same way. We sometimes wonder why He allows us to go through such difficult times, but when God puts those hard times together as only He can, they work out for our good. We just have to trust Him to do so.

There are no accidents with God, nor is He surprised by anything or anyone in the life of His child. God uses even the most horrendous circumstances for our good. Every circumstance comes to us for a purpose, bound by God's love and plan, and faithfully delivered with His permission. 

Do I like going on dates with Mr. Chemo??? Absolutely not!!! But as Mary said in that last paragraph, "there are NO accidents with God." (emphasis mine) 

Was I surprised when I woke up in Trauma ICU unable to speak because the breathing tube was still down my throat and informed that not only had my hernia been repaired, but they found a mass in my pelvic region and did a complete hysterectomy??? Absolutely!!!! But God wasn't surprised. He knew from the beginning of time. 

I now must TRUST Him that it will all work out. From test results to dealing with Mr Chemo & the "little people," I have faith that He is leading me on this adventure for a purpose. Will I know what that purpose is??? Maybe I will and maybe I will never find out. All I can do is follow Him. Are you following Him???

For my Prayer Warriors: 
 -I go for my blood test on Monday, March 24. Please pray all the levels will be in the acceptable ranges so I can get my treatment.
- I'm scheduled for my 4th date with Mr. Chemo on Tuesday, March 25th. Please pray the possible storm away. We prayed it away before, please Lord .... send this one away!!!!!
- I'm looking for part-time employment. Please pray that God will lead me to the jobs He wants me to have.

As always, thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement. Love & hugs to all of you!!!!!

Only by His Strength,

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