Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Even If

Sorry it's been so long, but my life has been and continues to run at a rapid pace. May & June were a blur with travel to Atlanta to be part of my "grand-niece's" dedication on Mother's Day. It was great being with our Georgia family, but I definitely missed my Mom. Here is a picture of us after the service:

The following weekend was FAC's Women's Conference with Bianca Olthoff. She is an amazing teacher/speaker. The worship was AWESOME, too!!!

On June 5th, I was scheduled to have my next follow-up visit. I usually go to the hospital lab the day prior to my appointment. I try to be there right when they open at 7am. So on Monday, June 4th, I get there a little before 7am. They call my name to check-in, etc. and the woman at the desk says, "We don't take your insurance any longer." I said, "WHAT??? I was just here at the end of April." She checked and beginning May 1st, they no longer take my insurance. Now, I have to go back home, eat breakfast, and log on to work. I realize that I will also need to change my doctor appointment and now figure out where to go for my lab work. When I called to cancel/change my appointment, the closest date was July 17!!! I took it and now I needed to just be patient and wait. 

For the most part, the days passed quickly and it was finally time to go get my blood drawn on Wednesday, July 11 at 7am. I was in and out in no time and the girl found my vein quickly and easily. Yeah!!! The only thing now was to pray and wait for the results.

On Tuesday, July 17, I logged into my email in the morning and there were my lab results. My dilemma was, do at look at them or do I wait until my doctor appointment. After wrestling with what to do for a few minutes, I decided to take a look. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but ... my number was up to 38. Not great!!! Of course, I take the doomsday train of thought and think the worst. I just "know" that my doctor is going to want me back on chemo or something equally horrible. But then I mentally slap myself and remind myself that God is in control of EVERY situation I go through and NOTHING happens to me without His knowledge.

When I finally see the doctor, he does a quick exam and tells me my number is up. He wants to wait another 6 weeks. If the number is up again, I'll have to have another CT scan to see what's going on inside. So... steady as she goes. And my next appointment in on August 28.

As I was driving to visit friends at the shore last week, my iTunes played this song. I forgot I even had this song in my playlist! But that's how God works. He constantly gives us reminders of His love and mercy. The song is "Even If" by Kutless. The words really spoke to me in this part of my journey.

As always, THANK YOU for your prayers, your hugs, your encouragement, and your well wishes.

Only by His strength,


  1. Continuing to pray and know that God is good. Love you friend. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Prayers for continued daily blessings in your life as you bless many on your challenging journey keeping your eyes on Him... feel his love with each breath you take & keep choosing hope that brings joy - God Bless You- tina

  3. Sandy, you continue to amaze me by your witness to God's goodness and your strong faith. Thank you! Hugs and prayers to you.
