Tuesday, June 2nd started early due to an actual in-person appointment with my oncologist. And although, through the power of technology, I knew my numbers and the results of my CT scan, it was good to hear the doctor say ... "everything looks good." My CA125 is down to 34 and my platelets were up to 156!!! Praise the Lord!!! He concluded the appointment with his thoughts about life after chemo. Time will tell what direction he will go. Please pray for wisdom for both of us.
After the appointment, I headed to the 3rd floor to wait for infusion to ready my chair. With only a few minutes wait, I was escorted to a chair that was fairly secluded. I would be there for about 8 hours, so, fine by me!!! During the day, I napped, I ate, I worked on business stuff, and I watched a couple of TV shows. There were no problems with either of the chemo drugs. YEAH! It's just a very, very, long, tiring day sitting in a chair hooked up to Mr. Chemo.
Here are a couple of pictures of my day. All I can say is, "Nobody puts me in the corner," but... Mr. Chemo??? Absolutely!!!
View from my window:
Outside MD Anderson:
Before I write these blog posts, I ask the Lord to guide my thoughts and write what He wants me to write. A few weeks ago, I was very sure I was given the word comparison. I started to dwell on it, etc. But since that time, a LOT has happened in the world and I believe God is compelling me to address the issue of race. Recently, a black man was senselessly murdered by a white police officer while 3 other officers looked on. This horrific scene was just weeks after we learned of several other black men & women murdered at the hands of white persons for no other reason than the color of their skin. Unfortunately, this hatred/violence against persons of color is deeply rooted in the history of our country. I do not claim to be any type of authority on the issues of racism, white privilege, African-American history, or social injustice ... and the list could go on and on and on.
What I do know is that throughout the Bible, God's shows His unfailing love for people. He speaks about justice. He speaks about equality. He speaks about peace. He speaks about how to treat others. He speaks truth!!! Over the past weeks, I have listened and read from so many voices -- some share their experiences, others give opinions of what should be done, and some sadly still voice contempt and hatred.
At times, I felt overwhelmed. During those times, the first voice I listened for was the voice of God. I studied His Word and found Christian voices that directed me. One verse that keeps filling my mind is Micah 6:8, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" I believe this is the way we should live.
This video by The Bible Project on "Justice" provides a basic, yet excellent explanation of justice throughout the Bible.
The injustices in this country will never change unless I change my heart, my choices, and my lifestyle and use my God-given gifts and talents for His glory. Change is never easy, but this change will be so worthwhile!!!
As Christians, I/we must do better at bridging the racial divide in this country. There are so many great resources available. A good starting point is "Be The Bridge" a ministry founded by Latasha Morrison. Her book, "Be The Bridge" is now on the NYT best seller list. For more information: bethebridge.com
I want to let you know that this has been the most difficult post I have written. I have probably offended someone. I've probably lost friends. But, I know that God is leading me on this path of learning to bring unity to His Kingdom here on earth.
I'll leave you with this song by Mandisa, featuring TobyMac, and Kirk Franklin.
Prayer Requests:
Next bloodwork - Thursday, June 18 early morning. Please pray for a lower CA125 number and a continued good platelet number.
Next doctor appointment & date #5 with Mr. Chemo - Tuesday, June 23
In His Strength,
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