It all started on Thursday, August 6 with a phone call from a nurse at Cooper at approximately 2pm ET. Then I posted this on my Facebook page at 3:13pm ET:
I then posted the following to Facebook on Friday, August 7 at 8:51am ET:
Good Morning from the MD Anderson floor at Cooper. When I woke up yesterday morning, I did not expect to end the day in a ER23 waiting for a room. After I got home from my CT scan, I received a call from a triage nurse advising that they noticed some very small blood clots in my lungs and requested that I go to the ER for evaluation, etc. So, I gathered a few items and my sister drove me to the ER. After checking in and waiting for over 2 hours to be “seen,” I finally was ushered to a stretcher in the hall next to a woman who was trying to throw up. UGH!!! I expressed my feelings to the attending doc and I soon was rolled into ER23. After checking my vitals and them drawing more blood, I relaxed and watched the Phillies game. And they WON!!! Finally, they came with an injection of blood thinner and a pill for the neuropathy. I tried to catch some
, but the ER was a little noisy.

THEN... at midnight, the nurse came in and said, “I didn’t realize that a COVID-19 test wasn’t done.” So.... I had to endure the up the nose test — TWICE!!! One was for the rapid test and one was the regular test. Friends, please wear a mask and practice social distancing!!! The test is very uncomfortable. I wouldn’t wish it on any of you!!!
After that, I was able to get a few, uninterrupted hours of sleep.
Around 4:45 AM, they moved me to a regular room. After getting settled, I was able to snooze for a bit, but was awakened by a doctor. She listened to my heart, etc. and talked about going home and doing the blood thinner injections myself!!! YIKES!!! Currently, we are waiting to see if my insurance will cover this drug.
If all goes well, I will hopefully be released later today!!!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!! 

Friday, August 7
At 6:30am, I was "rudely" awakened by a doctor checking on me. Of course, I had only fallen asleep about 15 minutes earlier. She checked my heart, etc. and left. Then I quickly dialed the number for FOOD!!! I ordered a bigger than normal breakfast because I hadn't eaten since about 2:30pm on Thursday and waited for them to deliver it. I was sooooooooo hungry!!!
I was so happy. I found out that my day nurse would be Nora. The same nurse I had for my Carbo desensitization!!! She came in shortly after 7am with a smile and happy greeting like we were old friends. Breakfast arrived and I made short work of the cheese omelet, bacon, bagel, orange juice, and hot tea. The rest of Friday, I was seen by several different medical personnel. Some were there to check whether I could walk, squeeze their hands, tie my shoes, get up from the bed, etc. I was like ... really??? All I really wanted to do was put a do not disturb sign on the door and sleep, but no!!! Then they came and checked my blood pressure, oxygen level, and temperature. Geez!!! Finally, I learned that my insurance would cover the blood thinner injections. I successfully learned how to inject myself and found that I really can stick myself with a needle. Finally, about 3pm, I was able to catch some sleep, but Nora came in about 4:15pm ET with my release papers and instructions. I quickly texted my sister and said, "Please come and get me!!!" I packed up the few items I had been using, said good-bye to Nora & the tech, Takiyah, and happily walked to the elevator and went down to the lobby level. I picked up and paid for the prescription for the injections and walked out to my sister's car. FREEDOM!!! We then drove to CVS to pick-up another prescription for my neuropathy. We finally made it home where I could finally take a little, uninterrupted nap before dinner from Shake Shack.
I wrote the following Facebook post on Friday evening:
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! I’M HOME!!!!!!! I’m tired, but I’m home!!!!!! I’ll update tomorrow morning after hopefully a good night of sleep.
Thanks again for ALL your prayers!!! Love & hugs!!!!!!!
I spent the rest of the weekend either sleeping or working on our business inventory with my sister.
Now, tomorrow, August 11, I have my follow-up appointment with my oncologist. I'm sure we'll have a lot to discuss including what's next in my cancer journey. I sure would appreciate your prayers!!!
As always, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Only by His Strength,
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