Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Still Rock & Roll to Me!

As the old Bill Joel song says, "It's still rock & roll to me." That's what getting 3 more rounds of Mr. Chemo is ... it's still Carbo/Taxol to me!!! The words aren't as catchy as Billy Joel's but, work with me folks!!!

On Wednesday morning, my sister dropped me at the front door of Cooper Hospital and I said, "See ya later!" And based on the last time, I was thinking, much later! I signed in at the front desk, had my temperature taken, and went to the admissions desk. At least they found my name this time!!! Then I waited about 25 minutes until I was "officially" admitted and given my pass to the 5th floor of Roberts Pavilion - Room 530. This is the MD Anderson floor for all the cancer patients who need to be admitted to the hospital for surgery, procedures, and desensitization (me)!!! All the rooms on this floor are private. And when I get to my room, I'm pretty sure, this is the same room I was in after my emergency room visit. So, before my nurse comes in, I start to rearrange the furniture. My nurse, Bianca, comes in and starts turning down the bed. I told her in no certain terms, that I would NOT be getting in the bed!!!

Bianca, came back with all the stuff needed to access my port and all the pre-meds that are given before the actual Carbo desensitization begins. This was were the fun began. When she went to access my port, I didn't think it felt right when she put the needle in. And of course, she didn't get a good blood return and wasn't able to flush the port either. I requested that she take out this one and get a new kit and try again. Of course, when she took the first one out, some blood got on my tank top, bummer. 

She eventually came back with a new kit to access my port. I could tell she was a bit nervous to try again. I kindly told her there was no shame in asking for assistance. So, she called her supervisor and asked for her to come and help. Her supervisor, Heather, remembered me from the last time I was in for desensitization. Because my port is "tilted," she walked Bianca through and gave her some pointers. BAM!!! Bianca nailed it the second time!!! YEAH!!!!! Let the pre-meds begin.

I was hoping to order a cup of tea, but I had not been "approved" yet to order food. Bummer. Thankfully, Bianca took care of that quickly. Later I found out that I can get a cup of hot water right on the MDA floor. Yeah!!! I finally ordered my lunch and promptly took a nap. Bianca was great, but she kept "checking" on me.... like every 10 minutes. Everything went as it should and my oncologist even showed up to say "Hi!!!" I was done around 6:00 pm and my sister came and picked me up. 

The next day, was my Taxol infusion at 11 am. Again, ushered to the corner office. They hooked me up and I prompted took a nap for about an hour. The view wasn't anything I hadn't seen before, so I just read and relaxed and waited for my 3-4 hour infusion to be over. Once over, I drove myself back home and guess what .... I took another nap!!! Seems to be a theme here.

My next adventure was to see the Hematologist on Wednesday, September 2. After missing the exit and finding the right building/office, I met Dr. C. She introduced herself, gave me her card and her background. She asked a bunch of questions, we talked, we laughed and then she said the best thing..... I'm going to put you on blood thinner PILLS!!!! Oh hallelujah!!! My poor, bruised, and lumpy tummy is so grateful. Of course, my insurance company had to approve, but thankfully, they did and as of Saturday, September 5, I started on Eliquis. I'm sure most of you have seen the commercials on TV. Because blood clots are somewhat common in cancer patients, I will probably be on this drug for the rest of my life. 

God provides. He provided for the children of Israel as they wandered in the desert. He provided for Adam & Eve, Noah, David, and countless others throughout Scripture. Why wouldn't He provide for me??? Through surgery, treatments, blood tests, hospital stays, doctor appointments, and insurance/financial issues .... God has provided. God is providing. and God will provide!!!

I heard this song by Tamela Mann a few months ago. She sings the message of God's provision so fabulously. Please take a listen.

Are you trusting God for His provision???

Prayer Requests:

- Thursday, September 10 - blood draw 7:30am - Please pray all the numbers go in the directions they are supposed to go.

- Sunday, September 13 - COVID-19 test - Please pray it's negative.

- Tuesday, September 15 - Doctor/Oncologist appointment approx 8:45am- Please pray for wisdom and understanding if any decisions need to be made.

- Wednesday, September 16 - Carbo Desensitization (all day) - Please pray for no allergic reaction and an uneventful day.

- Thursday, September 17 - Taxol infusion (several hours) - Again, please pray for no allergic reaction and an uneventful day.

- Friday, September 18 - Neulasta similar injection (several minutes in the afternoon)

- Saturday, September 26 - Because of COVID-19, the NOCC Together in Teal Run/Walk in Philadelphia was cancelled. I found another group that is walking in NJ and they have graciously allowed me to walk alongside them to raise money for Ovarian Cancer research. I would love if you could spare a few dollars for this cause. All the money raised is for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) and the research they are funding. The link is:

As always, thank you so much for your prayers, virtual hugs, and encouragement!!!

Only by His Strength,


PS -- September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - Teal is the color. 

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