Saturday, January 11, 2014

Anxious vs. Peace .... And the winner is???

How do I know God speaks to me??? Through His Word and through His people. Just yesterday I was talking on the phone to my friend. She asked if I was scared. I said I didn't think I was scared, just anxious about the unknown.

Well, wouldn't you know that in my devotional reading this morning was all verses about PEACE!! And not the world's idea of peace through treaties and such, but that overwhelming knowledge that God has got you in the palm of his hand and everything is okay.

From his book "Power in the Promises," Nick Harrison states, "Anxiety is fear of the unknown. A major source of anxiety comes from not knowing what will happen next on the world stage or on the smaller pedestals of our lives. But we often forget that what is unknown to us is fully known to God. Rather than letting anxiety shape us, we can allow God’s faithfulness to mold us. He can be trusted in every anxious situation — whether it’s on the large stage of world events or, more likely, in the smaller anxieties that rob us of joy in our relationships, careers, and families."

He goes on to say, “Anxiety robs me of peace and undermines my faith. I will therefore obey God’s Word and not be anxious about anything. In every anxious situation, through prayer and thanksgiving, I will release my anxiety to God, exchanging it for His peace. He will still my every anxious thought.”

Thank you Lord for reminding me that you are in control of everything that have been through, am going through, and will face in the future. 

As Hudson Taylor states, “I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than for me; for in the easiest positions He must give me His grace, and in the most difficult, His grace is sufficient.”

Are you anxious about something today??? A job or lack of a job??? A family crisis??? A relationship??? Cancer??? Give those worries to the One who knows you by name and loves you more than you will ever know and He will guide you and get you through.

Only by His strength (and grace),


  1. I absolutely LOVE hearing how God spoke so personally, clearly and quickly to you after you revealed the anxiety in your heart.

  2. Man, that Hudson Taylor quote is so good. We often pray for God's grace in the midst of the storm, but it's not only in the wind and the rain that we rely on his grace. When the water is calm, it's only because he is Lord over it, too. Only because he's there. We forget that we rely on his grace at ALL times, even before we think we need it. And he cheerfully gives it, though we hardly recognize how much. What a good God we serve. Thanks for the reminder, Sandy!
