Before having surgery, one should always go to Choir rehearsal. Before having surgery, one should always spend time praising the Lord in song. And that's exactly what I did and was I ever glad to worship with my choir family the night before I get the chemo port placed in my body.
In rehearsing our songs for when we lead worship in a couple of weeks, the words to one of the songs just touched my heart. The words are by Martha & Daniel Munizzi.
Because the Lord is all those things and so much more, I can face this great adventure not in fear, but in confidence in the healing power of the my Savior & Lord, Jesus Christ.
And because of the power of prayer, I did get a phone call today from NN. She answered 99% of all my questions from nutrition to pre-treatment drugs to general questions like can I exersize and when should I expect to lose my hair. I also was advised that I would need to return to where I get the treatments the following day to receive an injection. Oh joy!!! What I didn't find out is the date I will begin chemo treatments. I know it will probably be on Tuesday and I'm praying that we can get this party started next week!!!
Late this afternoon, I received the call to be at the hospital at 8:15 am to begin all the pre-surgery stuff and meet with the doctors. The actual surgery should be approximately 10 am and take about 1 - 1 1/2 hours. After that I'll be in recovery, then I'm spending the afternoon at The Perryville Inn of Rest & Recuperation and having dinner with my family.
I am thankful for the many who are praying .... because of who He is!!!
Only by His strength,
In rehearsing our songs for when we lead worship in a couple of weeks, the words to one of the songs just touched my heart. The words are by Martha & Daniel Munizzi.
Because of who You are I give You glory
Because of who You are I give You praise
Because of who You are
I will lift my voice and say
Lord I worship You because of who You are
Jehovah Jireh, my provider
Jehovah Nissi, Lord You reign in victory
Jehovah Shalom, my Prince of Peace
And I worship You because of who You are.
Because the Lord is all those things and so much more, I can face this great adventure not in fear, but in confidence in the healing power of the my Savior & Lord, Jesus Christ.
And because of the power of prayer, I did get a phone call today from NN. She answered 99% of all my questions from nutrition to pre-treatment drugs to general questions like can I exersize and when should I expect to lose my hair. I also was advised that I would need to return to where I get the treatments the following day to receive an injection. Oh joy!!! What I didn't find out is the date I will begin chemo treatments. I know it will probably be on Tuesday and I'm praying that we can get this party started next week!!!
Late this afternoon, I received the call to be at the hospital at 8:15 am to begin all the pre-surgery stuff and meet with the doctors. The actual surgery should be approximately 10 am and take about 1 - 1 1/2 hours. After that I'll be in recovery, then I'm spending the afternoon at The Perryville Inn of Rest & Recuperation and having dinner with my family.
I am thankful for the many who are praying .... because of who He is!!!
Only by His strength,
Will be praying for you this morning!