Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekend Ramblings … The Two Days after my First Date

After my first date with Mr. Chemo, he has thankfully left me alone for most of the weekend. After a fairly good night of sleep on Friday night, I woke up feeling pretty good on Saturday morning. I had a small breakfast, a mid-morning snack (banana), chilled out to watch Lilo & Stitch, a bagel for lunch, then decided that I felt good enough to go to church to sing, so I took a shower, and got ready. I had time while my sister got ready that I could take another nap. This time I really fell asleep. Of course I was watching a movie that I’d already seen about 20 times. Then it was off to church to sing with my choir family & lead worship. I had a snack of yummy raspberries & blackberries on the way to church.

After the choir was done singing, we stopped to grab a quick dinner to-go at Chick-fil-A. We came home and ate dinner and I was in bed by 8:30 pm. I don’t think I have been in bed this early in years!!! However, I did fall asleep while reading and woke up at midnight with the light still on and my Nook lying on my stomach. Oh well. I plugged in the Nook and shut off the lights and fell back to sleep until morning.

Good Sunday Morning!!!

It was breakfast and getting ready to go sing for our church’s two morning services. Thankfully, I was able to take a little snooze in a quiet office during the first service so I would have enough energy to get through the second service.

And all the prayers of God’s people were heard regarding my first request from a few days ago. God answered BIG!!! I am here to tell you that God does answer prayer and He is alive and He cares about me and He cares about YOU!!!

This is how I felt while singing in church this weekend!!! All the music was so uplifting and encouraging!!!!

By Sunday afternoon, it was finally time to relax and chill out. After brunch with my parents, I came home, put on my sweats, and watched some football and took a nap.

Then it was back to my parent’s home for dinner. I don't whether it’s the weather or the way I folded myself up on the coach, but my legs are a bit sore and my knees ache. I’m trying to keep myself awake so that I can sleep all night. We'll see how that goes!!

Tomorrow morning, I go to get my Neulasta injection to keep my white blood cell count up to fight any nasty infections that might try something funny in my body. Pray that I will not have any side effects from this shot.

Also pray for the swelling to go down from where my port was placed. It’s still a little tender and sore. I definitely feel it when I move certain ways. It sometimes feels like if I touch it, I’ll be able to communicate with someone, like on Star Trek. Wouldn't that be awesome???

But hey, I don't need anything implanted in me to talk to God. I can just bow my head and talk to Him … anytime, anywhere, and about anything!!! And that’s so much better!!!!

Only by His strength,

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