Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting Ready for My First Date ….... with Mr. Chemo

Today, I’m getting ready for my first date with Mr. Chemo. I understand from friends that this will be a very toxic relationship. He will probably do things to me that I do not like. I’m going to see how it goes, but I have a feeling that after 6 “dates” with Mr. Chemo, that I’m going to put an end to our “relationship.”

As for getting ready, I have started to take my pre-chemo steroids (no, I’m not going to become the next A-Rod) and my OTC vitamins to help prevent neuropathy (tingling of extremities). I have my clothes laid out so I don’t have to think about what to wear in the morning. In the morning, I'll eat a good breakfast & pack my lunch, snacks, and drinks. Then it will be off with Mom to the MD Anderson at Cooper facility in Camden, NJ for my start time of 9 am.

I have been anticipating this day since December 17th when I received the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. I’m not scared. I know that God goes before me and will hold my hand through this entire adventure. I know that NOTHING happens to me that hasn’t been allowed to happen to me. I know that in the words of a Chris Tomlin song, “the God of angel armies is always by my side.”

Prayer Warriors - I have several very specific requests for you right now and I’m sure there will be more as this adventure continues.

1. The choir is singing this weekend and I really want to sing. The world tells me that I will feel blah the days after I’ve been on a date with Mr. Chemo. I know that this is possible, but I also know that God is bigger and can take away the blah. Pray that I will be able to worship with my choir family and church this weekend.

2. This is a little vain, but I figure if I don’t ask, I won’t receive. Although I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will probably lose my blonde hair by the mid-February or sooner, I will consider it a miracle if God allows me to keep my hair. As I said to the choir last night, if God can part the Red Sea, surely He can keep my hair on my head. If God chooses to say no to this request, I have heard that my hair may come back in curly. Could be interesting!!!!

3. The cocktail that Mr. Chemo is giving me tomorrow has been known to cause neuropathy. Neuropathy means damage to nerves in the peripheral nervous system, and so affects nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord - it does not include nerve damage in the central nervous system. It’s that painful tingling of the hands & feet. I am taking OTC vitamins to help prevent this, however, I would be blessed if it never happened.

4. On Monday morning, I will need to return to get my Neulasta injection. This is to help keep my white blood cell count up because that cocktail Mr. Chemo is giving me will lower my immune system and I need those white blood cells to keep me strong and prevent sickness. The drug may also cause my bones to ache. Please pray for God’s hedge of protection from illness around me over the next several months.

5. And this is the most important one!!!! I think the video below says it all. “Let Them See You in Me” by JJ Weeks Band. I want to show Christ’s love and share the hope that I have with the staff and fellow patients. I want to be salt & light. If I’m scared of anything, it’s that I won’t see His divine appointments for what they are and blow an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 ESV 

Only by His strength,



  1. AWESOME Sandy. Totally inspirational! Jesus has your back-and front-and hair!!
    He WILL see you through!!!

  2. Ron and I will be praying for you!

  3. I just found your blog...I just had my 5th treatment of 18...I am tolerating well. God bless you

    1. MK - Glad you are doing well with your treatments. I'm praying for you right now that you will continue to do well and that God will remove all the cancer from your body.
      Where are you located??? How did you find my blog???
      Have a great day!!! Be good & God bless!!!!! :)

    2. Hi Sandy...I follow Ann Voskamp and you had attached your blog address in a comment on one of Her beautiful postings...LOVE HER!. I believe your FB pic was the teal ovarian cancer sign. I am very close to Milwaukee, WI. I pray for your tolerance of chemo and complete healing. So Grateful for your prayers. My email:, if I can ever share any of my experiences with you. GOD SPEED.

    3. MK - Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. It's so great to know others who are experiencing the same things. Take care of yourself and keep in touch!!! Praying for you, too!!!! :)

    4. How are you feeling your first days after chemo? You are in my prayers as well....

  4. I, too, have Ovarian Cancer.....

  5. Wish many prayers...and big hugs....xoxoxo. ..c

    1. So good to hear from you!!!!

      Thanks so much for the prayers & hugs!!!!!! :)

      Hope all is well with you & your boys!!! :)

  6. I came across your blog when I read your comment on A.Voskamp's page. I am praying for you today and am going to try and keep up with your progress. I had cancer and did chemo 7 yrs ago so I can relate to what you're saying, thinking, feeling. Just know that every person reacts differently to their form of chemo, cancer, etc. I had 6 mos of chemo and never lost my hair, I also had neuropathy. I could say what my experience was'll have your own unique one, the one which the Lord has planned for you. God's power via the prayers of His children is what will bring you through..."above all that you ask or think". Hang in there, you can be strong in His strength. And I know He will be seen in you and you'll have many opportunities to be His witness!

    1. Rena -
      Thanks so much for your encouragement & prayers!! God is so good to each one of us and I know He directs our paths.
      Where are you located???
      Take care, be good & God bless!!!!! :)
      - Sandy

  7. I live in Brazil, we've been missionaries here since '78. I had my chemo in the States and, later as I reflected on just that fact, it was truly a blessing from the Lord! The neuropathy and other side effects would've been much more difficult to bear here where we are.
