Monday, November 13, 2017

It's just simple math

43 + 6 = 38 + 6 = 34

Anyone who knows me, knows math is not my best subject. However, I'll take this math equation for my CA125 numbers.

In August my CA125 had gone back up to 43.

My next follow-up appointment was 6 weeks later at the end of September.

My CA125 was back down to 38!!! Praise the Lord!!!

If you add another 6 weeks, 

At my follow-up appointment in early November, my number was down to 34!!! Praise the Lord!!!

I can't believe that I've been on this journey for almost 4 years. Thank you everyone for all the prayers, hugs, encouragement, cards, emails, and texts. 

I am blessed.

Prayer Requests:

I need to have another CT scan before my next follow-up appointment.

My next appointment is January 2, 2018. Pray for a lower CA125 number.

Only by His Strength,

PS - I'll blog more at the end of the year!!! :)