Monday, January 31, 2022

Platelets, Pomegranates, and Prayer

 Yes, this blog post is brought to you by the letter "P."

With the stomach bug in my rear view mirror, I began eating "normally" and enjoying every bite. In fact, I probably enjoyed it too much!!! However, I think I was able to keep a few pounds off the scale. Hooray! 

Early on Friday morning, January 14, I headed to LabCorp for my blood draw. I could tell the nice girl who walked into the cubicle was a newer employee. After verifying my information, she attempted to find the vein in my right elbow. She thought she found it, but she went to get the needle, etc. and came back she couldn't find it again. She went to do my hand, but had some trouble and called for back-up. I'm so thankful that the back-up person was able to help her get the needle where it belongs and finish my blood draw. It took a lot longer than I expected. I then drove my sister to work in Philly and then came home and had my breakfast. 

On Saturday morning, I received the results on my portal. To say that I was shocked and worried would be an understatement. My platelet count was 75!!! In order to receive chemotherapy, your platelet count needs to be over 100!!! I put out an urgent prayer request on my personal Facebook page and in my Christian ovarian cancer group. I was truly blown away with so many comments to pray for my pesky platelets. One of the girls in my cancer group commented that a nurse told her to drink pomegranate juice, milk, eat avocados, and red grapes. I also read online to eat meat, poultry, and pork, plus tomatoes, potatoes, egg yolks, cereal, leafy greens, peanuts, and a few other things. I went to the market and found pomegranate juice and bought red grapes. The juice is very tasty and I love red grapes. I also contacted the oncologist nurse and she didn't seem too concerned. She just advised that I should go to get my blood drawn again on Thursday morning before my doctor appointment and hopefully by the time my appointment would be over, we'd have the results and know if I could continue with chemo for the day. 

This guy was hanging in the cubicle with my favorite phlebotomist ... Marge. His name is Vinny.

Well….. I got ready to have my exam. In comes the nurse, a medical student who wasn’t introduced, and Courtney, a Gyn Oncology Fellow who is shadowing Dr. K. She answered all my CT scan questions and said everything on the CT scan looked good. They left for a few moments and then they all came back with the doctor. She checked me over while I provided comic relief. In fact, I was wearing my new Faithlet bracelet and Courtney asked what it was. I was happy to share that it read “I CAN DO ALL  THINGS.” I told them that this is my verse and that it ends with “THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHS ME.” During the exam, I did express that I was concerned about being short of breath quite often. Now, I know I’m horribly out of shape, but it feels different. Therefore, the doctor ordered both and EKG and an Echocardiogram. She definitely didn’t want the chemo to be successful and then me have heart problems. And considering I have a bit of a family history, I don’t want to take any chances.

At this point, the nurse had slipped out, she came back with a fabulous announcement. My platelets were …. Drum roll please ………….


I think my jaw hit the floor. When I picked it up off the floor, I do know is that I shouted …. “PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!” I was so shocked that I had to double check the number again. She really said … 235!!!! With that everyone left the exam room and I did a little happy dance!!! I texted my sister and a couple of friends with the great news and headed up to the infusion floor. The picture below is after I was hooked up to Mr. Chemo. And by the way, my CA-125 is down to 85!!! And that's another "P" ... Praise!!!

Prayer. It’s this amazing conversation with the God of the Universe. The God who created EVERYTHING — from the smallest micro-organism that might not even be discovered yet, to each and every one of you reading this, to the baby in the womb, to the centenarian in the nursing home, to our entire universe, and to every animal, bird, reptile, and invertebrate — has a desire to have a personal relationship with you & me. He really does. So many times, we think of prayer as a last resort. A cry for help. When, in fact, He is interested in your daily life. The highs and the lows. The times when we question everything and the times we are just numb to everything. There are so many verses in Scripture that show that He cares about every detail and how we should pray. Just Google verses about prayer and you'll get over 2 million results. Some of my favorite verses on prayer are as follows, but there are so many:

Matthew 21:22 - "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Romans 12:12 - "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

Philippians 4:6 - " not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

James 5:13a - " Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray..."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Enjoy this song from Santus Real titled "Pray." It's been out for quite a while, but it's a good reminder of how we need to pray.

Prayer Requests:

Tuesday, February 1 - EKG & Echocardiagram - approximately 2pm ET

Friday, February 11 - Blood work - 7:30am ET - Lower CA-125 & good platelet number

Monday, February 14 - Doctor appointment with my Hematology doctor - 10:20am ET

Thursday, February 17 - Follow-up appointment with APN - 9am ET followed by Chemo #5 / Day 1 (if numbers are good) - Pray for no reactions

Friday, February 18 - Chemo #5 / Day 2 - start approx. 10am - Pray for no reactions

Other notes of interest:

I entered another Proverbs 31 writing challenge. I won't know if my devotional was accepted until sometime in March. 

*** Save the Date *** -- For those of you in the Philly area, the NOCC Together in Teal Run/Walk is scheduled to be in person this year on September 10. I'm hoping to form a team to run/walk and raise money to find a cure!!! If you're interested in participating on my team, even if you live somewhere outside of the Philly area, let me know in the comments below or send me a Facebook message.

Thanks again for all your encouragement, hugs, but especially, your PRAYERS!!!!!

Only by His strength,


Tuesday, January 11, 2022


The time clock clicks down .... 3. 2. 1. 0. The players leave the field and head to the locker room to hear from their coach regarding the game so far.

Here I am again, with 3 rounds of chemo down & (hopefully) only 3 to go. 

Strike up the band. It's Chemo Halftime!!!

The weeks between round 2 & round 3 went quickly as they usually do when approaching the Christmas holiday. Bible Study finished. Our church had a Christmas party with games, cookie decorating, singing, a story for the kids, and a devotional for teens and adults. I had lunch with friends. And then it was time to pack for our trip to Georgia to see our "family" for Christmas. I had my blood drawn the morning we flew. The flight down was uneventful and I got to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies, "Elf." Our family picked us up and we went to dinner at another family member's home. It was fun seeing them and seeing how much the kids had grown, but we were all tired from a busy day, so we headed home, found our rooms, and said good night.

The next day was a beautiful, sunny day. A bit cool for Georgia standards, but a least the sun was shining AND it was Tea Party Day for four lovely ladies and one 4-year-old princess!!! We had a lovely time eating little sandwiches, scones, desserts, and drinking ourselves silly with different flavors of tea. Our little princess even danced a bit. Here are some pictures from our party:

The following day, we were just going to bum around, maybe go to a movie, but that all changed when Dad got sick. We think he picked up a 24 hour stomach bug. So between my sister and me, we took care of him throughout the day. Finally, on Christmas Eve, he started feeling better and could keep down food. We stayed home from their church and watched our home church on YouTube and had a late lunch. Later, that afternoon, I was feeling tired, so I went up to my room to take a nap. When I woke up, I really wasn't feeling great and guess what .... now I had the stomach bug. YUCK!!!! I was so thankful that my room had a private bathroom! I think I wore a path in the carpet between the bed and the bathroom. Finally, about 1 am Christmas morning, I was finally done and I crawled back in bed and slept. When I finally dragged myself out of bed and threw some sweats on, it was after noon!!! I drank some of the Pedialyte that we got for Dad, had a banana and a piece of toast. Of course, we do things as a family, so, my sister got the bug overnight. We did, however, have a very nice Christmas dinner, just without my sister.

Again, on Sunday, we watched our home church service in NJ and our hosts actually went to their church's service. The family from our first night came back over for some fun and pizza dinner. The kids had fun with a Lego train that actually went around on the track. In fact, the little boy thought it was fun to see how fast the train would go before it derailed!!! LOL!!!

Monday came too soon and it was time to repack everything and go back to the airport to fly home. Although our flight was delayed, we were so glad that Southwest was not one of the airlines that was cancelling many flights. Thank you Lord!!! We got home after waiting in the covered parking for a rainstorm to pass, getting dinner, and stopping at Wawa for milk, etc. After eating dinner, we dragged the suitcases in from the car and went to bed. Because you see, my sister had to go to work the following day and I had to see the APN & start the next round of chemo!!!

After getting my lunch & stuff ready to go, my sister drove me to MDA for my long day in the chair. After a long wait for the APN, we went over the numbers, etc. and all looked good. My CA-125 dropped from 138 to 108. Not as big a drop as the first time, but I'll take it!!! My platelets were also good, so ... off to the Infusion floor. The only extra thing is that I will need to have a CT scan before my next appointment and chemo.

With all the travel and sickness, as soon as I was hooked up, it was off to slumberland. Upon waking and having lunch, I got busy doing "stuff" and trying to occupy my time until I was disconnected and I could go home. Although, since I return the following day, they kept access to my port so it is easier the next day. I really appreciate this!!! My sister picked me up, took me home, we had dinner, and I went to bed. The next morning, a good friend took me back to MDA for day 2. I was lead to my chair and a new nurse - Janine, AND I did not have a window seat! She got me hooked up and guess what, I took another snooze. Thankfully, no problems or weird reactions, just boredom. I did however, finally address my Christmas cards to the girls in my ovarian cancer group on Facebook. As I was address the last one, the last of my treatment sounded and I texted my sister and she came and picked me up. I thank God for 2 uneventful days.

Usually, on the slug days following chemo, I have some energy, but I just had nothing. The tank was empty. Since my stomach was still not 100%, I ate bland foods and drank plenty of water to "flush out" my system. I just felt blah. Nothing I ate seemed to stay in me. I felt weaker and weaker. Finally, I contacted the nurses at MDA and explained my situation and asked if I should take Imodium. They said I could take it and to drink Pedialyte. After several doses, my body seemed to get the idea that food was good for me and I started feeling like my old self - several pounds lighter - but feeling good. 

During my slug days, I watched a LOT of college football bowl games. I got to do a LOT of thinking about my life while I drifted in and out of naps. And just like the team heads back to the locker room in the stadium, I headed to the locker room of my mind with my coach, Jesus. I don't think He made any major changes to my life plan, just a few tweaks. I still have a long way to go, but my goal is heaven and I'm following after Him. Have you had a half-time with the Savior? What would He tell you? Do you need to make some tweaks to your life - spiritual, physical, or mental? It's never too late to hit the locker room with Jesus!!!

This is the song that was playing on my Apple Music Worship Now channel when I finished writing. This kind of sums up my feelings. It's "Give Me Jesus" by UPPERROOM. Hit play, sit back and worship for a little over 8 minutes. You'll feel a LOT better!!! I promise!!!

Prayer Requests:

Wednesday, January 12 - CT Scan - 1:00pm ET - pray that there are no signs of cancer

Friday, January 14 - Blood draw - 7:30am ET - pray for lower CA125 and good platelet numbers.

Thursday, January 20 - Doctor appointment & Chemo #4 / Day 1 - pray for good report from doctor and no side effects while getting chemo - also pray for good weather

Friday, January 21 - Chemo #4 / Day 2 - pray for good day getting chemo and no side effects

Thanks for all your prayers & encouragement on this journey!!!

Only by His Strength,
